
Maya Video Products, Inc. published an article in the Westchester County Business Journal, on December 3, 1990, which contains some errors. I worked for this company, as a consultant, at the time, and was the only computer 3D modeler employed there. See: http://www.highbeam.com for more information.

Friday, March 2, 2018

The complete model that includes the chair programmed from Autodesk instructions, dated December, 1990. The AutoCad model was completed at Maya Video Products, Inc., 148 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016, by me. This drawing is under U.S. Copyright, to my name.

Chair, modeled in October, 1998, with AutoCad software, from LePique and Orne Architects, Inc. This is an Autodesk programmed chair, which appeared in my Maya Video Products, Inc. AutoCad drawings, which I completed December, 1990.

Link to my AutoCad chair file:  http://autode.sk/2F9e2sC    This is the link that was provided from the Autodesk Viewer website, today.  If that doesn't work, the chair has been printed out, and there are screenshots.

All of my Maya Video Products, Inc. AutoCad drawings, and Autolisp program, with fax and all papers, are under U.S. Copyright, to my name, Theresa Marie Bextermiller, R.A., M.F.A.