
In truth, and to correct what is written in Alias' letter - Barco is a partner with Alias, Inc. in Europe, and bought Maya Video Communications, Inc. in New York. Maya Video Communications, Inc.'s former name was Maya Video Products, Inc., in Nov. and Dec., 1990, when I knew them.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Maya Video Products, Inc., is Maya Video Communications, Inc. is Alias. Maya Personal Learning Edition, 2002 pictures my classmate Joaquin Margot


VA 1-228-298, U.S. Copyright effective 6/17/03.

VA0001228298  is the Registration Number to enter at those links,  when doing the search.

See the letter from Alias, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (envelope  not shown)

In truth, and to correct what is written in Alias' letter - Barco is a partner with Alias, Inc. in Europe, and bought Maya Video Communications, Inc. in New York.   Maya Video Communications, Inc.'s former name was Maya Video Products, Inc., in Nov. and Dec., 1990, when I knew them. In 2003, their name and address were written on the internet - same address that I knew on Madison Avenue, and I reported this in work completed to the California Architects Board. I have had this company on my resume since working there, so many people have seen this. The N.C.A.R.B. or National Council of Architectural Registration Boards has a record of my work experience.

Alias, Inc. is headquartered in Germany in Europe, and Barco is located in Belgium.
Information current as of 2004.

Supporting material:
published article, dated December 3, 1990, in the Westchester County Business Journal, author Don Dzikowski.

Maya Personal Learning Edition, alias/wavefront copyright 2002-2003 - pictured below, showing Joaquin Margot, my Pratt Institute Computer Graphics classmate.

 I suggest opening these two pages of the article in a new window in order to read them - right click and choose  "open link in a new window" .

The other Maya Video Products, Inc. Barco projector and spaces drawings and Maya PLE CD pages can be opened and looked at the same way.

Scanned images added to the blog on January 26, 2014.
This blog was first published on January 15, 2013.

https://www.linkedin.com/company/alias-systems-corp -  this is Alias Systems Corporation on July 16, 2015.

I heard from Susan Kayser, German Registered Architect, a friend of Joaquin Margot Gil's, and Madrid, Spain.  https://de.linkedin.com/pub/susan-kayser/46/a87/1a6

Friday, March 2, 2018

The complete model that includes the chair programmed from Autodesk instructions, dated December, 1990. The AutoCad model was completed at Maya Video Products, Inc., 148 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016, by me. This drawing is under U.S. Copyright, to my name.

Chair, modeled in October, 1998, with AutoCad software, from LePique and Orne Architects, Inc. This is an Autodesk programmed chair, which appeared in my Maya Video Products, Inc. AutoCad drawings, which I completed December, 1990.

Link to my AutoCad chair file:  http://autode.sk/2F9e2sC    This is the link that was provided from the Autodesk Viewer website, today.  If that doesn't work, the chair has been printed out, and there are screenshots.

All of my Maya Video Products, Inc. AutoCad drawings, and Autolisp program, with fax and all papers, are under U.S. Copyright, to my name, Theresa Marie Bextermiller, R.A., M.F.A.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"Design Systems" and phone number 212-995-8494 - sellers of hardware and software, to Maya Video Products, Inc., 148 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.

I found a Mara J. McGinnis, who is 41 years old, married to Karl Bauer in 2009, and who has been employed at Pratt Institute since, at least, 2006.  She is, according to the Pratt website, "Executive Director of Communcations and Marketing", in Myrtle Hall.  She has, most importantly, the same phone number, at her home address, that was entered on a fax from "Design Systems", from someone named "Jonathan", to me, in December, 1990, at Maya Video Products, Inc.  That home phone number is 212-995-8494, and, her home address is:  185 West End Avenue, Apt. 23b, New York, New York  10023-5549.  She has lived in Buffalo, N.Y., Rochester, N.Y. and Scranton, Pa.  She was a writer for the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, in 1998.  Two articles she wrote are about:  2 Professors are appointed Distinguished Professors; and, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to give a lecture:  https://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/1998/06/4236.html

I found a few companies that could be "Design Systems" in 1990, where "Clem" and "Jonathan" worked.  One is located in Williamsville, N.Y.. and, another is located in Dix Hills, N.Y.   The Dix Hills location was filed as "Design Systems of New York, Inc." on August 6, 1987, in Suffolk County, N.Y., with entity address:  "Seth Steinberg, 6 Lauren Avenue South, Dix Hills, New York  11746".  This is an inactive company as of September 29, 1993.

The Williamsville, N.Y. location was filed as "Design Systems Collaborative, A Bissell, Leslie P.C.", on October 7, 1983, in Erie County, N.Y., with entity address:  "Bradlee W. Townsend Esq., 22 Evans St., Williamsville, N.Y.  14221".  This is an inactive company as of March 25, 1992.

Who are "Clem" and "Jonathan"?  I was told that was their names, when I sent and received the fax, and, talked on the phone.  I was told, though, that the chair file that I was sent, on a disk, was one of many, if I wanted any other chairs, on the phone.  THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS THAT I WAS SENT AN AUTODESK CHAIR CREATED FROM AN AUTODESK FILE, WHICH WAS PART OF THE AUTOCAD PROGRAM.  I WAS NOT GIVEN ANY BOOK OR INFORMATION ABOUT THE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE THAT I WAS USING, AND, I WAS TOLD EVERYTHING WAS NEW.  THE SELLER OF THE SYSTEM TO MAYA VIDEO PRODUCTS, INC. WAS "DESIGN SYSTEMS".

The other two "Design Systems" are:  "Design Systems, LLC", filed January 3, 2005, with entity addres:  363 Canal Street, 2nd Floor, New York, New York  10013;  and,  "Design Systems Group", filed August 15, 2011, in the New York County of California, with entity address:  2604 3rd Street, San Francisco, California  94107, with Sue LaBouvie as Chief Executive Officer.  These are both active corporations with no Registered Agent.  The N.Y. Secretary of State lists these businesses, today.

"Design Systems Group" is a Foreign Business Corporation, ID# 4130895.  The others are Domestic entities.

At this 185 West End Avenue location is another business called "Revesz International LLC" and http://globalreach-radio.com/ .   Could this be the same "Design Systems" that existed in 1990, but, now, existing under a different name?  This company came up when I did a Google search for "Design Systems, New York, New York, 212-995-8494".

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

This is YEAR 26! 2016. I didn't know they published the article/advertisement until this year - 2010. That's a 20 year lapse.

Regarding employment at Maya Video Products, Inc.:

my copyrighted work proves that I was employed there and produced work in 1990, as a consultant, full-time for four weeks.

Regarding payment from Maya Video Products, Inc.:

I was hired on the spot after doing a demo with Autocad software; and was paid the student wage of $10/hour, since the job had been posted as a student job. The company had never heard of a Computer Graphics program at Pratt Institute, and I had no diploma to show them, although I had completed requirements for the degree on Oct. 1, 1990, and I was not hired until mid-November, 1990.

The company's hardware and software were new. There were no previous employees, nor previous work, that they showed me or had knowledge of, to show anyone. There were no books or instructions from the hardware/software seller, and I was given their name and phone number, when I asked my male employer.  I have scans of the faxed program, which was sent to the hardware/software seller.  

What was published on Dec. 3, 1990 is entirely fiction and the company based the advertisement/publication on work that I was producing at the hour the publication was distributed to the public. They only hoped for and believed, after talking to me, and, seeing what I was producing.

You don't believe them? I wouldn't believe them but I didn't know they published the article/advertisement until this year - 2010. That's a 20 year lapse.  

The article was published in a Westchester County, N.Y. paper, and, I never saw the paper until searching online at www.highbeam.com.  There is some other place to see this article?  

I find this unbelievable.  I was there.  

I have many, many questions about what happened at this company, right before Christmas, 1990.   Maybe, I will never know.  What I produced for them was technically much more difficult than any work I had produced for Architectural firms that I had worked for, for years, in St. Louis and New York.  I was not paid.  This would be a terrible joke - if anyone believed, in any way, that I was paid for this work completed.  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

More posts regarding my original work at Maya Video Products, Inc., in 1990.

Maya Video Products, Inc. faxes, regarding computer program in AutoLisp, created December, 1990


Maya Video Products, Inc. room chairs, created by me in 1999.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The realm of Maya as written in Chapter 6 in Paul Tillich's book "The Courage to Be", published 1952, Yale University Press - 34th printing 1970

Chapter 6.  Courage and Transcendence [The courage to accept acceptance]

As written on page 157, and continuing to page 158:  "It seems that in India, for example, courage is considered the virtue of the kshatriya (knight), to be found below the levels of the Brahman or the ascetic saint.  Mystical identification transcends the aristocratic virtue of courageous self-sacrifice.  It is self-surrender in a higher, more complete, and more radical form.  It is the perfect form of self-affirmation.  But, if this is so, it is courage in the larger though not in the narrower sense of the word.  The ascetic and ecstatic mystic affirms his own essential being over against the elements of nonbeing which are present in the finite world, the realm of Maya.  It takes tremendous courage to resist the lure of appearances.  The power of being which is manifest in such courage is so great that the gods tremble in fear of it.  The mystic seeks to penetrate the ground of being, the all-present and all-pervasive power of the Brahman.  In doing so he affirms his essential self which is identical with the power of the Brahman, while all those who affirm themselves in the bondage of Maya affirm what is not their true self, be they animals, men, or gods.  This elevates the mystic's self-affirmation above the courage as a special virtue possessed by the aristocratic-soldiery.  But he is not above courage altogether.  ...

...Doubt is directed toward everything that is and that, according to its Maya character, is doubtful.   Doubt dissolves the veil of Maya, it undermines the defense of mere opinions against ultimate reality."

This book was written, "As based on the Terry Lectures delivered at Yale University".

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Maya Video Products, Inc. Supporting Materials - Maya PLE CD, picturing Joachim Margot; copyrighted drawings color enhanced; Published article dated December 3, 1990

VA 1-228-298, U.S. Copyright effective 6/17/03.

VA0001228298  is the Registration Number to enter at those links,  when doing the search.

See the letter from Alias, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada (envelope  not shown)

In truth, and to correct what is written in Alias' letter - Barco is a partner with Alias, Inc. in Europe, and bought Maya Video Communications, Inc. in New York.   Maya Video Communications, Inc.'s former name was Maya Video Products, Inc., in Nov. and Dec., 1990, when I knew them. In 2003, their name and address were written on the internet - same address that I knew on Madison Avenue, and I reported this in work completed to the California Architects Board. I have had this company on my resume since working there, so many people have seen this. The N.C.A.R.B. or National Council of Architectural Registration Boards has a record of my work experience.

Alias, Inc. is headquartered in Germany in Europe, and Barco is located in Belgium.
Information current as of 2004.

Supporting material:
published article, dated December 3, 1990, in the Westchester County Business Journal, author Don Dzikowski.

 I suggest opening these two pages of the article in a new window in order to read them - right click and choose  "open link in a new window" .

The other Maya Video Products, Inc. Barco projector and spaces drawings and Maya PLE CD pages can be opened and looked at the same way.

Scanned images added to the blog on January 26, 2014.
This blog was first published on January 15, 2013.

https://www.linkedin.com/company/alias-systems-corp -  this is Alias Systems Corporation on July 16, 2015.

I heard from Susan Kayser, German Registered Architect, a friend of Joaquin Margot Gil's, and Madrid, Spain.  https://de.linkedin.com/pub/susan-kayser/46/a87/1a6

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pratt Institute Graduate Computer Graphics 1989

I am in this picture, on the right side, standing, in the rear, wearing the black turtleneck.  

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Code Development

Code Development

The International Code Council has codes available for all states and municipalities.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Maya history - I, in fact, produced the images of the Penn Station installation for their projector.

Maya Video Products, Inc. published an article in the Westchester County Business Journal, on December 3, 1990, which contains some errors.  The article describes professionals employed there, and installations that are complete. I never saw any computer generated 3D work or programs anywhere in the office of the company at 148 Madison Avenue, New York, New York.  I was told that the hardware and software had been purchased just before I was hired, in late November, 1990.

 I worked for this company, as a consultant, at the time, and was the only computer 3D modeler employed there, and did the presentation that is described in the article, and used the systems that are described there.

See: http://www.highbeam.com for more information.

I, in fact, produced the images of the Penn Station installation for their projector.  Barco projector - I worked to produce a 3D model of this item, and, placed the projector in various sizes of rooms.  The company wanted to easily place the projector in any space, correctly.  They asked me to program for them.  I produced a program in AutoLisp.